Maghreb Steel has placed the preservation of the environment at the heart of its concerns and has been committed since its creation to a sustainable development policy broken down into several axes:
The use of new technologies:
EAF (Electric Arc Furnaces) technology used in the steelworks for the recycling of scrap metal (waste) generates four times less CO2 than traditional production technologies.
An ambitious energy strategy enabling energy savings and reducing the carbon footprint, mainly through:
- Increasing the share of renewable energy in the energy mix,
- The use of low carbon energy (gas instead of fuel and coal),
- The scrap processing metal by grinding before injection into the furnace, in order to save energy and reduce dust emissions,
- heat recovery system from rolling line smokes
Eco-responsible waste management based on the 3R rule (reduce at source, reuse, recycle) by ensuring selective sorting at source and maximum recovery.
Optimal management of discharges and use of water resources, in particular through the recycling of liquid discharges after treatment.
Effective treatment of emissions: Maghreb Steel has a dust removal unit on the steelworks site, in addition to several filtration and treatment units for gaseous discharges (solvent incinerator allowing heat recovery, vapor purifiers HCL and emulsions, etc.)
A recognized and rewarded commitment
Maghreb Steel’s commitment to the environment has been awarded with various awards and certifications:
ISO 14001 Certification
(Environmental Management System) since 2008
(Since 2009), REME Green Business Award (2010)
ECoVadis Bronze Medal
(2023), Medal rewarding the company’s efforts in CSR